You’re already a confidently LGBTQ2SIA+ positive practitioner.

Which means if this it hasn’t happened to you yet, it will, and potentially soon…

One of your loyal patients comes to you with something that’s been worrying her - her child is gender-non-conforming, and she’s been hearing conflicting information all over. She just wants the best for her kiddo.

Can you help?

I’m sure you want to…but do you feel confident that you have solid evidence-informed advice to assuage this mom’s worries?

Do you have helpful resources and clear next steps to offer her?

Would you feel confident offering gender-affirming support directly to this child?

After this course, you will.

If you:

  • are a naturopathic doctor or other wellness practitioner who is not in a position to prescribe or refer for gender-affirming care for kids.

  • already know plenty about LGBTQ2SIA+ inclusive care (in fact, you’ve probably already taken other courses on the topic - if you haven't, start with Foundations of LBGTQ2SIA+ inclusive wellness and get $10 off this course.)

  • are ready to expand your expertise to support trans youth...

Then Gender diverse kids & teens is for you!

Why learn about gender affirming care, when drugs, hormones, and surgery aren’t in your scope?

  • There is more and more disinformation being spread about gender-affirming care for youth, leaving parents worried, confused, and turning to you - a reliable third-party - for accurate information.

  • Trans and gender-diverse youth deserve spaces where they can talk about their experiences and receive holistic healthcare without their identity being pathologized.

  • There’s so much more that can be done to ensure health and happiness for gender-diverse kids.

That's why we created
Gender diverse kids & teens

The course that equips naturopathic doctors and other wellness practitioners with the latest evidence on gender development, standards of care for transgender children and teens, and resources and tools to gently support transgender and gender-diverse kids, teens, and their parents.

What you'll get:

  • Self-paced videos

    Watch the 1 hour of interactive video content at your own pace, learning, understanding, and applying as you go. Finish feeling confident and ready to work with gender diverse kids & teens.

  • Downloadable resource

    Get access to a patient handout of referrals & resources to apply what you learned into your day-to-day practice right away.

  • CE credits

    Eligible for 1 CoNO Category A Credit, including 0.5 pharmacology.
    Eligible for 1 CNPBC category F (pharmacology) credit.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Working with trans & gender diverse kids & teens

    • Setting the context

    • Talking about gender

    • Gender-affirming care

    • Pharmaceutical & surgical options

    • Transition, detransition & retransition

  • 2

    Next steps

    • Resources

    • Citations

    • Ready to learn more?

  • 3

    Review quiz for CE credits

    • Quiz for CE credits


Meet your instructors

Dr Cyndi Gilbert ND

Dr. Cyndi Gilbert, ND (she/they)

Cyndi is a naturopathic doctor (inactive), author, and the Executive Director of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors. One of the original founders of Heal All Consulting, Cyndi’s online courses remain on the platform, though they no longer receive any financial benefit. Prior to working full-time as a nonprofit executive, Cyndi was a faculty member at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and had a primary clinical focus working with LGBTQ2SIA+, Indigenous and racialized clients and communities, as well as people who use drugs, are homeless, disabled, HIV+, precariously employed, and facing complex mental health challenges.

Cyndi is a queer/spawn, mad* White Ashkenazi settler and lives in Toronto with her family.

Dr Arlie Millyard ND

Arlie Millyard, ND (she/her)

Arlie went into naturopathic medicine intending to create the queer-positive clinic that she and her friends and loved ones would love. When she got to naturopathic college and found the curriculum sorely lacking, she realized she could make a bigger impact by teaching other wellness professionals how to create inclusive spaces.

Her bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and psychology instilled a love for scientific research and a fascination with the way our mental and physical health are one and the same. Arlie is a queer femme and lives with her spouse and their tiny black cat in Toronto.


  • I don't see pediatric patients, is this still relevant to me?

    If you see parents in your practice, this course is still very relevant. Parents are almost always the ones asking for support in this area, not the children themselves.

  • Does this course have prerequisites?

    YES, we strongly recommend that you take Foundations of LBGTQ2SIA+ inclusive wellness before taking this course. In fact, it's so important to us that we'll give you $10 off this course if you take Foundations first. We do not cover key concepts and terms around gender and transgender identity in this course, so an established foundational knowledge is a must. We also invite you to take Trans primary care for NDs as it offers more detail regarding adult gender-affirming care.

  • My regulatory body doesn’t accept CONO CE credits - will you be getting other approvals?

    Yes, we’re very open to applying for CE approval in other jurisdictions, and are in the process of getting approval for CNPBC and OBNM. If that doesn’t cut it, pop us an email letting us know where you practice and we’ll see about getting approval there too. You can still enroll now, and wait to complete your quiz until credits are approved.

Don't miss your next opportunity to support a kid or teen who really needs you.